Inaugural Digital Arts Gala
First Digital Arts Gala Program a success!
At the beginning of June, the Vancouver District Students' Council (VDSC) collaborated with Science World to host a one-day event showcasing a variety of digital art works created by Vancouver students. The gala recognized the potential of creative young minds throughout the Vancouver School District as well as highlighted the passion for and importance of arts related education throughout the city's secondary schools. The event displayed works in a number of different digital arts mediums, including digital illustration, painting, photography, and digital video production.
The event was organized under the leadership of VDSC vice-president Simon Qu (Prince of Wales Secondary) and secretary Hazel Pangilinan (Gladstone Secondary), with the support of the VDSC arts gala committee. The organizers of the event worked diligently with secondary school student councils across the district recruiting student artists to represent their schools. In total, the 2018 Digital Arts Gala had 28 school artists displaying 126 original art pieces, from 13 secondary schools. The Digital Arts gala also attracted numerous members of the public. The event was an exhilarating experience that allowed student artists to network, communicate and learn from each other. It also allowed the public to appreciate the amazing talent that exists in our school district.
The VDSC will again host an Arts Gala in 2019 and we sincerely invite all VSB student artists and the public to participate.